Regenerative Medicine: What It Is, How It Works
Our bodies are wonderful creations. When we have a minor injury like a cut finger, the body can heal itself. But some chronic diseases can have ongoing adverse effects on our health. Despite being able to make some choices to improve our health, those diseases may never be eliminated – and the damage they cause remains.
A new field of medicine, called regenerative medicine, is attempting to find therapies that mimic how the body heals itself. (2) Regenerative medicine replaces or revives body tissues harmed by “disease, injury or age.” (2)
Although many types of regenerative medicine are still in the development stage, some have successfully been used for over 25 years. One of the most well-known of these is stem cell therapy. Scientists grow stem cells in a laboratory, and then change these cells to resemble cells the body needs. The cells will act the same way healthy cells would, which begins to heal the diseased cells. (2)
For example, a person with heart disease could receive cells that act like a heart transplant, giving the heart a healthy area of heart muscle.
What Diseases Can Be Helped By Regenerative Medicine?
“+Type 1 diabetes
+Heart tissue damage
+Brain tissue injury
+Skin wounds
+Some cancers
+Organ transplants “(2)
Types of Regenerative Medicine include:
Tissue Engineering and “Biomaterials” (2) – this involves unique “biomaterials” (like metals, ceramics, and polymers ) and transforming them with a 3D printer into the shape of the structure the body needs.
Cellular Therapy – The patient’s adult stem cells have been grouped together by doctors and injected into damaged areas that use the stem cells to heal themselves. Adult stem cells can be found in our:
“· Blood
· Fat
· Bone marrow
· Dental pulp
· Skeletal muscles ” (2)
Medical Devices and Artificial Organs – If you need an organ transplant and have not found a donor, regenerative medical scientists have developed robotic and mechanical devices which can replace or be implanted into diseased organs. For example, a VAD (ventricular assistive device) can be placed into the body to continue the heart’s beating while heart surgeons do lengthy repairs to the heart. (2)
Regenerative Medicine Use With Cipro Side Effects
Cipro is an antibiotic used for many types of infections. In 2016 the FDA began warning the public about Cipro’s potential to cause widespread damage to body tissues. In some patients, Cipro caused changes to tissues and cell mutations. Many Cipro users began to report long-term neuropathy (tingling and burning of the legs), tendonitis, nerve damage, and tiredness. (1)
Dr. Mark Ghalili of Regenerative Medicine L.A. is a regenerative medicine specialist who has given lectures around the world addressing the problems of Cipro side effects. After experiencing a severe reaction to Cipro, Dr. Ghalili himself began to experience severe pain, muscle weakness, blurry vision, and dizziness. He became wheelchair-bound and was unable to walk. (1)
Dr. Ghalili was introduced to regenerative medicine techniques, which reversed his symptoms and restored him to health. “Within weeks, he went from being confined in a wheelchair, unable to treat patients … to gaining the gift of running again.” (1) He then began a study of regenerative methods and began using them with his patients. (1) Dr. Ghalili believes the key to healing lies in discovering the root causes of patients’ illnesses and then beginning to rebuild and revive their bodies “at the cellular level” (1)
Although many types of regenerative medicine have successfully been used and have improved many lives, these methods are still relatively new. There are ongoing clinical trials and research that will continue to be done to ensure the safety of these technologies.